Welcome to the 20th Anniversary Season at Humboldt Park Band Chalet! Starting on June 3rd, we will have 13 wonderful weeks of local original music.
The Humboldt Park Band Chalet is home to Chill on the Hill, a natural amphitheater that offers great acoustics and comfortable space for guests to sit back and soak in the surroundings. The Bay View Neighborhood Association, in partnership with Milwaukee County Parks, is proud to bring you Chill on the Hill.
As a sponsor, you will have multiple opportunities for repeated reach in a local market and have a local presence at the events. Your support goes toward band fees, a super amazing sound system, and promotional materials to ensure success. With a variety of sponsorship packages, there are several options available for businesses and groups. Each level comes with unique perks and a complimentary business membership to the BVNA. We can design a program that gives you the most of what you want from Chill. If you have an idea for a sponsor level, just let us know. We'll figure it out! Combine your sponsorship with any of our other events for a discounted rate!
Please feel free to contact the BVNA Sponsorship Team at bvnasponsorships@gmail.com or 414-403-8003.
All Sponsorship Levels include: a one-year Business Membership in the Bay View Neighborhood Association. Your name will be mentioned on stage throughout the summer on Tuesday nights, and the higher your sponsorship, the more you are acknowledged to Chill attendees. Visibility, based on sponsorship level, will be on the BVNA website, Chill on the Hill social media, and printed posters. Exhibition Space | Choose weeks throughout the summer to have a tent and/or exhibition space set up on the main walkways leading to the Hill.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is average Chill attendance?
We have consistent attendance at Chill on the Hill of 3000 people per week. We had record attendance at for past seasons with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra show at 5000 people. Many guests attend multiple nights, so your brand and name is repeatedly exposed to a captive crowd.
What is my exposure as a sponsor?
Formal Membership is 350+, mostly local to Bay View area, but include people and businesses outside of the immediate area, plus over 2000 contacts in our Membership system. Facebook Page for Chill on the Hill has 11,000 followers and 10,000 likes, and the Bay View Neighborhood Association page has over 10,000 followers and 9000 likes. Our Instagram has more than 4,100 followers (and growing)!
What is Chill's reach?
We are a high profile event that brings in hundreds of guests each week from the seven-county region.